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Внешний жесткий диск USB3 2TB EXT. GOLD STKB2000405 SEAGATE

Код товара: 647100100
8 210
Looking for an external portable hard drive that’s small enough for a loaded laptop bag, spacious enough for loads of content, and offers massive capacity? Meet Seagate® One Touch portable storage. With sleek colours to choose from and up to 5 TB of serious space for a growing digital library, this portable HDD is compatible with USB 3.2 Gen 1 (USB 3.0) and both Windows® and Mac® computers. Topping it off — on-demand and customisable backup options that make file protection practically effortless and the peace of mind of having Rescue Data Recovery Services.


Модель HDDOne Touch
Объем накопителя на жестком диске2Тб
Аксессуары в комплектеUSB cable, Discovery software, Quick install guide
Размер114.8 x 78 x 11.7mm
Вес0.24 кг
Объем диска2TB

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