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Внешний жесткий диск USB3.1 1TB 2.5" BLACK AHD720-1TU31-CBK ADATA

Код товара: 647102200
6 440
HD720 is the ultra durable external hard drive with a sporty design. It features a large storage capacity, and also undergoes stringent tests for waterproofing, dustproofing and shock resistance to provide excellent protection of data. The HD720 is the most rugged data backup for your next adventure!<br /> <strong>IP68 Water and Dust Resistant Qualified</strong><br /> The HD720 has passed the stringent IP68 test, offering excellent water and dust resistant protection. Thanks to its durable design, the HD720 works normally even in a dusty environment or after being submerged in its storage state in 2 meter-deep water for up to 120 minutes.&nbsp;


Модель HDDHD720
Объем накопителя на жестком диске1Тб
Аксессуары в комплектеUSB 3.1 cable; Quick Start Guide
Размер129.4 x 97.9 x 20.2 mm
Количество в упаковке1
Вес0.35 кг

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