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Внешний жесткий диск USB3.1 2TB 2.5" BLUE AHD650-2TU31-CBL ADATA

Код товара: 647099900
8 410
The HD650 is back stronger and bigger than before. Its impact-absorbing rubber coating and three-layer construction make it extremely durable to protect your contents, all while looking cool. We now offer it in three colors: blue, black, and red. Capacity goes up to 4TB, a milestone for unpowered external hard drives! With USB 3.1 speeds and ADATA-backed quality, the HD650 delivers spacious and secure storage.&nbsp;<br /> <strong>Designed to Absorb the Hardest Knocks</strong><br /> The triple-layer construction of the HD650 incorporates unique silicone material with exceptional elasticity to provide great shock absorption on all axes.


Модель HDDHD650
Объем накопителя на жестком диске2Тб
Аксессуары в комплектеUSB3.1 cable ; Quick Start Guide
Размер121 x 81 x 21mm
Количество в упаковке1
Вес0.3 кг
Объем диска2TB

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